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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 30 luglio 1982
Member Name E82r064

30 July 1982

Establishment of a Standing Committee for the Programme of the Economic Commission for Western Asia

The Economic and Social Council,

1. Endorses resolution 114 (IX) of 12 May 1982 of the Economic Commission for Western Asia and decides to establish within the Commission a Standing Committee for the Programme, composed of all members of the Commission, as the main subsidiary organ of the Commission to assist it in the execution of its responsibilities for programme planning and review;

2. Decides that the Standing Commission shall function as the main subsidiary organ of the Commission for programme review, planning, programming, evaluation and co-ordination, and in that context, shall:

(a) Review the programmes of the Commission, as defined in the medium-term plan;

(b) Review the totality of the work programme of the Commission in the light of the availability of resources;

(c) Recommend an order of priorities among the programmes and subprogrammes of the Commission, as defined in the medium-term plan;

(d) Give guidance to the Executive Secretary of the Commission on the design of the programme.

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