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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 27 ottobre 1982
Member Name E82r070

27 October 1982

Public hearings on the activities of transnational corporations in South Africa and Namibia

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolutions on the activities of transnational corporations in southern Africa, in particular resolution 1981/86 of 2 November 1981, in which it called for the organization of public hearings on the activities of transnational corporations in South Africa and Namibia,

Taking note with appreciation of the report of the Secretariat on the measures taken pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1981/86,

1. Decides that the hearings on the activities of transnational corporations in South Africa and Namibia called for in Economic and Social Council resolution 1981/86 shall be conducted by the Commission on Transnational Corporations at its tenth session, which shall, if necessary, be extended for a period of one week for that purpose;

2. Decides also that the public hearings shall deal with the operations of transnational corporations in South Africa and Namibia with a view to identifying concrete measures that could be taken by Governments and by intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies to bring about the eradication of the system of apartheid, in particular:

(a) The extent to which such transnational corporations sustain the system of apartheid and the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by the racist minority regime of South Africa;

(b) The employment practices of transnational corporations and their socio-cultural impact;

(c) The implications of the activities of transnational corporations in the nuclear and military sectors of the South African economy;

3. Decides further to establish an ad hoc committee composed of five States, to be assisted by the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, which would prepare and submit for adoption by the Commission on Transnational Corporations at its ninth session guidelines regarding:

(a) Procedures for the hearings;

(b) Persons and organizations to be invited to the hearings;

(c) Documentation for the hearings;

(d) Such other matters as may be pertinent to the modalities for the public hearings;

4. Requests the ad hoc committee of five States to hold one or two meetings before the ninth session of the Commission in order to prepare the guidelines referred to in paragraph 3 above;

5. Invites the relevant United Nations bodies and specialized agencies that have done work on the matters referred to in paragraph 2 above to submit documentation to the Commission at its tenth session in connection with the public hearings to be held by the Commission.

Argomenti correlati:
sud africa
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