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Economic and Social Council - 24 maggio 1983
Member Name E83r004

24 May 1983

Measures to improve international co-operation in the maritime interdiction of illicit drug traffic

The Economic and Social Council,

Noting the observations made by the expert group to study the functioning, adequacy and enhancement of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, at its 1982 meeting, particularly with regard to the need for bilateral regional arrangements concerning the boarding of sea-going vessels involved in drug trafficking,

Bearing in mind article 4 of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, applicable international conventions and the concern of the international community to suppress illegal traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,

Noting with concern the alarming number of private vessels transporting illicit drugs on the high seas,

Noting also with concern the large proportion of recidivists among smugglers of illicit drugs by sea,

Recognizing that in many instances illicit drug traffickers also engage in fraudulent practices with respect to the flag State registration of their vessels,

Firmly believing that, in order to be effective in combating illicit maritime traffic, registry information must be readily accessible to and verifiable by law enforcement personnel aboard the vessel and within the claimed flag State,

Convinced that legitimate shipping interests will not be unreasonably hampered by adoption of effective steps by all States to provide, in accordance with relevant domestic constitutional safeguards and legislations, for prompt, positive and unmistaken identification of private vessels registered under their flag,

1. Appeals to Governments to inspect closely all requests for registration of private sea-going vessels to ensure that the vessels are those which the applicants are appropriately entitled to register;

2. Urges Governments to require their flag vessels to carry on board documents attesting to their registry;

3. Requests Governments to explore methods of strengthening international co-operation in combating illicit maritime drug trafficking, and to respond promptly to enquiries made for law enforcement purposes by other States regarding the registry of vessels;

4. Recommends that Governments should consider establishing a national centralized vessel registry system for their private flag vessels, to facilitate the international co-ordination needed to implement the present resolution;

5. Encourages all States to take prompt action, with due regard to their constitutional, legal and administrative systems, to curtail employment of their flag vessels in the illicit drug trade and to impose significant sanctions on persons convicted of such activity;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the text of the present resolution to all Governments and to invite them to bring it to the attention of their competent authorities for consideration.

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