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Economic and Social Council - 26 maggio 1983
Member Name E83r008

26 May 1983

14th plenary meeting

World social situation

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 37/54 of 3 December 1982, on the world social situation,

Having considered the report of the Commission for Social Development on its twenty-eighth session,

1. Endorses the conclusions reached by the Commission for Social Development on the 1982 Report on the World Social Situation, annexed to the present resolution;

2. Transmits those conclusions to the General Assembly for its consideration.

ANNEX Conclusions of the Commission for Social Development on the 1982 Report on the World Social Situation:

1. The Commission notes that recent years have seen a worsening of the social situation. Achievements registered in certain regions and countries or in specific areas of social development do not alter this fact. This general deterioration affects in particular the developing countries. Some long-lasting problems have not been solved. Additionally, new problems have appeared, both in developing and in industrial countries, and much remains to be done to achieve the various objectives adopted by the international community. Some countries appear to remain untouched by this general deterioration.

2. The Commission reaffirms that the ultimate aim of development is the constant improvement of the well-being of the entire population on the basis of its full participation in the process of development and a fair distribution of the benefits therefrom.

3. It is necessary to achieve the rapid and complete elimination of the obstacles to the economic and social progress of peoples. Colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, racial discrimination, apartheid, aggression, occupation and foreign domination and all other forms of inequality and exploitation of peoples constitute major obstacles to the economic and social progress of developing countries and peoples.

4. The existing inequities and imbalances in international economic relations are widening the gap between developed and developing countries, thereby constituting a major obstacle to the development of the developing countries and adversely affecting international relations and the promotion of world peace and security. The arms race and aggravation of international tension continue to contribute to the deterioration of the world social situation. Disarmament would release resources which could be used for the development of developing countries and could contribute to the well-being and prosperity of all.

5. A reduction of social and economic disparities and the adoption of measures to ensure the effective participation of all people in the preparation and execution of national policies for economic and social development are required, based on a full enjoyment of human rights.

6. The adverse social situation reflects the lack of implementation of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development and of the objectives and overall development goals adopted and reaffirmed in the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade.

7. Certain social and economic changes have occurred that have had broad and negative repercussions on the elements constituting the social sphere. There is a need to adapt governmental policies to the new and urgent needs which have arisen.

8. Greater attention needs to be accorded to a unified approach to development. The interdependence that exists between economic development and social development is becoming even more noticeable at the present time. The worsening of the social situation has a serious impact in particular areas and countries, notably on employment and income distribution. Even though additional measures are required for social progress, economic development is an essential prerequisite. It has been stressed that social change and development can have a positive influence for pulling societies out of their economic difficulties. The establishment of the new international economic order has become of great importance for social progress.

9. It is recommended that Governments make a more rational use of various available resources to deal with the worsening social situation, paying greater attention to the most essential and deserving aspects of social development which have experienced the greatest deterioration and have a multiplier effect on such development.

10. The 1982 Report on the World Situation, as well as the debate on the Report in the Commission, clearly indicate that existing approaches to socio-economic development have not always been able to solve the problems of mass poverty and under-development. Alternative development methods, involving in particular more effective people's participation, are needed.

11. The social situation should be monitored on a regular and in-depth basis with special attention to the manner in which the Declaration on Social Progress and Development, the International Development Strategy and world plans of action have been implemented.

12. The 1985 report on the world social situation should retain a global overview while giving special attention to regional and other perspectives in social and overall development. The 1985 report should be focused on issues of international concern mentioned above and should be in line with the priorities established in General Assembly resolutions 34/152 and 37/54. It should fully reflect the crucial importance for social and overall development of all countries of such global international issues as the persisting imbalances in the world economy, the international economic crises particularly affecting the developing world, the relation between development and peace and the need for disarmament.

13. The 1985 report should emphasize the relationships among various aspects of national, regional and international trends and policies. It should reflect the complex and changing relations between the economic and social, national and international facets of development. It should provide an intersectoral analysis of trends and an intersectoral treatment of issues and policies, bearing in mind different social and cultural traditions.

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