Member Name E83r03727 May 1983
Human rights and scientific and technological developments
The Economic and Social Council,
Mindful of resolution 1982/34 of 10 September 1982 of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, and Commission on Human Rights resolution 1983/44 of 9 March 1983, concerning guidelines, principles and guarantees for the protection of persons detained on grounds of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder,
Expressing its deep appreciation to the Special Rapporteur, Mrs. Erica-Irene A. Daes, for her work in preparing her report, on this question,
Noting also with appreciation the report of the Sub-Commission's sessional working group on the question of persons detained on the grounds of mental ill-health,
1. Requests the Special Rapporteur expeditiously to supplement her final report, containing the body of principles, guidelines and guarantees as well as the summary compilation of replies received from Governments and specialized agencies, taking into account the basic views expressed in the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and in the Commission on Human Rights, and to include in the report any new replies from Governments or specialized agencies that may be transmitted in the meantime;
2. Requests the Sub-Commission to establish a sessional working group and to allocate to it appropriate time and facilities for a proper examination, as a matter of the highest priority, of the above-mentioned body of principles, guidelines and guarantees, and to submit the revised final report of the Special Rapporteur including the documentation referred to in paragraph 1 above, to the Commission on Human Rights at its fortieth session;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Special Rapporteur with all assistance needed for the completion of her work.