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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 28 luglio 1983
Member Name E83r045

28 July 1983

Assistance to Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru

The Economic and Social Council,

Deeply concerned about the large-scale devastation wrought by the heavy rain and floods which have recently affected extensive areas of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru and by the drought being suffered by Bolivia and Peru,

Bearing in mind that those two climatological phenomena have destroyed urban and rural areas and caused serious damage in the agricultural, stock-raising and agro-industrial sectors,

Further bearing in mind that those sectors are important bases of the economies of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru,

Considering that the urgent problems created require programmes of assistance, rehabilitation and reconstruction,

Affirming the urgent need for prompt and concerted international action to assist the peoples and Governments of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru to cope with the emergency confronting those countries and to engage in rehabilitation and reconstruction,

Observing with satisfaction the assistance provided by Governments, the United Nations system and governmental and non-governmental organizations during the initial emergency period,

Noting with appreciation the work done by the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator,

1. Expresses its gratitude to States and organizations that have provided assistance to Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru;

2. Appeals urgently to all States, governmental and non-governmental organizations and specialized agencies to co-operate in financing a reconstruction and rehabilitation programme for the affected areas of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru and to participate actively in its implementation;

3. Requests the Secretary-General:

(a) To take the necessary measures to assist the Governments of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru to prepare a broad programme for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the areas and sectors affected;

(b) To take appropriate steps to mobilize resources for special international assistance to Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru;

(c) To apprise the General Assembly at its thirty-eighth session and the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session of 1984 of progress made in the implementation of the present resolution.

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