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Economic and Social Council - 28 luglio 1983
Member Name E83r049

28 July 1983

Report of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination on its twenty-third session

The Economic and Social Council,

Having considered the report of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination on the first part of its twenty-third session,

I Endorses the recommendations and conclusions contained therein;

II Technical co-operation activities of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization financed by the United Nations Development Programme in the field of manufactures

1. Notes that the evaluation of the technical co-operation activities of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization financed by the United Nations Development Programme in the field of manufactures was requested by the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its twentieth session, in 1980;

2. Further notes that the stated design and methodology of the evaluation study was endorsed by the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its twenty-second session, in 1982, and was adopted in turn by the General Assembly at its thirty-seventh session;

3. Confirms the importance it attaches to the evaluation procedures;

4. Regrets that the comprehensive outcome of the evaluation study was not submitted formally as a report of the Secretary-General to the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its twenty-third session, as requested by the Committee and the General Assembly;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit formally the evaluation study to the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its resumed twenty-third session, on the understanding that his comprehensive report will be submitted to the Committee at its twenty-fourth session;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that the procedure followed on this occasion, namely submission of an evaluation report to organizations or bodies covered by the evaluation before formal submission to the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, shall not constitute a precedent for future evaluations;

III Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations evaluation units and systems and time-table for review of evaluation programmes requested under General Assembly resolutions 36/228 B and 37/234

Requests the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions to transmit to the General Assembly at its thirty-eighth session its review of the report of the Secretary-General on the strengthening of the capacity of the United Nations evaluation units and systems and time-table for review of evaluation programmes requested under General Assembly resolutions 36/228 B and 37/234, section II, pursuant to paragraph 191 of the report of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination;

IV Methods and procedures for the provision of statements of programme implications to the General Assembly

1. Reiterates the request to the Secretary-General, as contained in paragraph 7 (b) of section II of General Assembly resolution 37/234 of 21 December 1982, to take the necessary measures to provide the Assembly at its thirty-eighth session with programme implications of draft resolutions being considered by the Assembly;

2. Emphasizes the importance of the recommendation contained in paragraph 166 of the report of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination to the effect that the programme budget statement should be an integrated report merging programme, financial and administrative implications of draft resolutions;

V Proposed programme budget for the biennium 1984-1985:

foreword and introduction

Requests the Secretary-General also to ensure the submission of the report on measures for the further integration of the programme planning, budgeting monitoring and evaluation functions in the Secretariat of the United Nations requested in paragraph 9 of section II of General Assembly resolution 37/234 to the Assembly at its thirty-eighth session through the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its resumed twenty-third session;

VI Proposed programme budget for the biennium 1984-1985:

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

1. Endorses the recommendations contained in paragraph 286 (c) and (d) of the report of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, on the understanding that follow-up work on wood and the wood products industry, industrial financing, and trade and trade-related aspects of industrial collaboration arrangements will be carried out by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization if necessary in accordance with its programme of work, subject to a decision by the Industrial Development Board;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its twenty-fourth session on questions raised at its twenty-third session concerning the various programme elements, in order to enable the Committee to review the issues relating to the avoidance of duplication and the achievement of a more rational organization of the work programme of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in anticipation of the transformation of that organization into specialized agency status.

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