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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 17 maggio 1984
Member Name E84r007

17 May 1984

Meeting 15

Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Somalia

The Economic and Social Council,

Having heard the statement made by the representative of Somalia on the critical need for emergency assistance to the drought victims in Somalia,

Recognizing the alarming situation which is developing in Somalia as a result of successive failures of seasonal rains in several regions of the country,

Cognizant of the emergency situation which, as a consequence, has overtaken the entire country, posing the severe threat of mass starvation to both people and livestock,

Appreciating the ongoing response of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Chidren's Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Food Programme and international voluntary agencies, and the vital bilateral contributions of friendly States,

Concerned, nevertheless, that despite those responses the serious food crisis in Somalia continues to escalate,

1. Takes note of the statement made by the representative of Somalia;

2. Notes with appreciation the response of the Government and people of Somalia and the favourable reaction to date of the international community, the United Nations and voluntary agencies to the crisis caused by the drought;

3. Appeals to the Governments of Member States, United Nations organizations and voluntary agencies urgently to increase their assistance to the Government of Somalia so that all victims of the drought currently afflicting Somalia may receive the necessary aid, with a minimum of delay;

4. Decides to keep the situation in Somalia under review.

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