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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 26 luglio 1984
Member Name E84r059

26 July 1984

Meeting 49

Critical situation in Guinea

The Economic and Social Council,

Noting the statement made on 18 July 1984 before the Third (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee of the Council by the Minister for Planning and Statistics of Guinea concerning the difficult situation of his country, characterized by a subsistence economy, a lack of infrastructure, a low per capita income, a chronic deficit in the State budget and a very heavy foreign debt,

Noting also the reference by the Minister to the letter dated 8 June 1984 from the Head of State of Guinea to the Secretary-General, describing the social and economic situation of his country and requesting emergency aid from the international community and the United Nations in the economic, social and humanitarian fields,

Confirming the urgent need for international action to assist the Government of Guinea in its national reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, taking account of the fact that Guinea is classified as one of the least developed countries,

1. Appeals urgently to all Member States and to intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and international financial institutions to contribute generously to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Guinea;

2. Requests the organizations and bodies of the United Nations system to expand their programmes of assistance to Guinea and to co-operate closely with the Secretary-General in organizing an effective international programme of assistance;

3. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Government of Guinea, to organize a programme of social, economic and humanitarian assistance to support the actions of the Government with a view to discharging the urgent tasks of national reconstruction and rehabilitation;

4. Invites the Secretary-General, after consultation with the Government of Guinea, to report to the General Assembly, at its thirty-ninth session, the requisite information concerning the action to be taken or the proposals to be made with a view to providing the necessary aid to the Government of Guinea.

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