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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 27 luglio 1984
Member Name E84r067

27 July 1984

Meeting 50

Composition, terms of reference and programme of work of the Economic Commission for Latin America

The Economic and Social Council,

Noting with satisfaction the results of the twentieth session of the Economic Commission for Latin America, held at Lima from 29 March to 6 April 1984,

Having considered the decisions and recommendations adopted by the Commission at that session,

I Composition and terms of reference of the Commission

1. Decides to change the name of the Economic Commission for Latin America to "Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean", as recommended by the Commission in its resolution 455(XX) of 6 April 1984;

2. Endorses Commission resolution 452(XX) of 6 April 1984, by which the Commission welcomed the request of the Government of Portugal and decided to admit that country as a full member of the Commission;

3. Approves the recommendation of the Commission that the French and Spanish versions of its terms of reference and rules of procedure should be amended by replacing the words "la region des Antilles" by "la region des Caraibes" and the words "la region de las Antillas" by "la region del Caribe";

4. Decides, therefore, to amend the terms of reference and rules of procedure of the Commission in order to incorporate the decisions contained in paragraphs 1 to 3 of the present resolution;

5. Takes note with satisfaction of Commission resolutions 453(XX) and 454(XX) of 6 April 1984, in which the Commission decided to admit the British Virgin Islands and the United States Virgin Islands as associate members of the Commission;

II Programme of work and calendar of conferences of the Commission

6. Takes note of resolution 465(XX) of 6 April 1984 of the Economic Commission for Latin America on its programme of work and calendar of conferences, in particular the recommendations contained therein on the holding by the Commission of regional preparatory meetings for United Nations world conferences, and requests the Secretary-General to make every effort to reallocate existing resources for the holding in 1985 of a regional meeting to review the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action for Latin America and the Caribbean for the International Youth Year.

Argomenti correlati:
america latina
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