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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 27 luglio 1984
Member Name E84r080

27 July 1984

Meeting 50

General policy-making structure of the Economic Commission for Western Asia

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1982/64 of 30 July 1982, by which it established, within the Economic Commission for Western Asia, a Standing Committee for the Programme, composed of all members of the Commission, as the main subsidiary organ of the Commission to assist it in the execution of its responsibilities for programme planning and review,

Desirous of ensuring representation at the ministerial level at the annual sessions of the Commission,

1. Takes note of the decision of the Economic Commission for Western Asia that rule 1 (a) of the Commission's provisional rules of procedure should be amended to read: "Normally annually, beginning on the Saturday of the third week of April";

2. Decides to designate the Standing Committee for the Programme of the Economic Commission for Western Asia as the Technical Committee and to add to its terms of reference, set out in paragraph 5 of Commission resolution 114(IX) of 12 May 1982, the consideration of the items of the provisional agenda for the annual session of the Commission, in preparation for the Commission's meeting at the ministerial level;

3. Decides also that the Technical Committee should meet for a four-day period immediately prior to a two-day meeting of the Economic Commission for Western Asia at the ministerial level.

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