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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 24 maggio 1985
Member Name E85r001

24 May 1985

21st plenary meeting

Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1984/5 of 17 May 1984 and General Assembly resolution 39/201 of 17 December 1984 concerning emergency assistance to the drought victims in Ethiopia,

Noting with appreciation the statement made by the Director of the Office for Emergency Operations in Africa,

Having heard the statement made by the Commissioner for Relief and Rehabilitation of Ethiopia on the situation in the drought-stricken areas,

Aware of the presence of rain in Ethiopia after many years of prolonged drought,

Recognizing the necessity of sufficient agricultural inputs to take advantage of the good rains,

Disturbed by the lack of sufficient inputs which would help to expedite the rehabilitation of the drought victims and make them self-supporting,

Convinced that long-term solutions are imperative in order to avoid the recurrence of a tragic human drama such as the one that recently unfolded in the disaster-stricken areas,

1. Commends the generous response of the international community to the tragic situation in Ethiopia;

2. Expresses its deep gratitude to all States, governmental and non-governmental organizations and individuals that have provided emergency humanitarian assistance to Ethiopia;

3. Urges all Member States, organs and organizations of the United Nations system, specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations to assist the Government of Ethiopia in its efforts to provide for the emergency needs of the drought victims and to deal with the problem of medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to mobilize resources for relief and rehabilitation, including assistance for the victims of drought who either wish to return to their villages of origin or are willing to settle in areas less prone to drought, and to report to the General Assembly at its fortieth session on the response of the international community to those efforts.

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