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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 28 maggio 1985
Member Name E85r013

28 May 1985

22nd plenary meeting

The need to reduce the risk of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances carried by commercial carriers

The Economic and Social Council,

Bearing in mind that a high proportion of illicit narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances has been seized in connection with commercial carrier operations,

Convinced that commercial carriers have a responsibility to take an active role in improving employee integrity and the security of their operations in order to minimize the risk of illicit trafficking by their own employees or by those using the carriers' services,

Noting that physical safeguards at international ports contribute significantly to the security efforts of the commercial carriers using those facilities,

Recognizing that various measures could be taken by Governments with a view to encouraging greater security at international ports and to facilitating the detection and seizure of illicit drugs,

1. Requests Governments which have not yet done so to initiate or expand training programmes for their law enforcement agencies in order to promote intensified and more effective searches, better analysis of potential risks, and greater overall security within and around their international port facilities;

2. Urges Governments which have not yet done so to develop ways of improving their security operations, together with officials of the commercial carriers which use their international ports, and to encourage those carriers to discharge their responsibility to improve employee integrity and the security of their operations;

3. Further urges Governments which have not yet done so to improve the capabilities of authorities at international ports with a view to controlling access to cargo and commercial carriers;

4. Requests Governments to improve means of communication among themselves in order to permit the most rapid possible exchange of information concerning illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by commercial carriers;

5. Invites the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, the Division of Narcotic Drugs of the United Nations Secretariat, the Customs Co-operation Council, the International Criminal Police Organization and Governments to consider supporting the training of enforcement personnel in improved techniques of search and security, advising commercial carriers as well as port authorities on ways of improving employee integrity and the security of their operations, and implementing programmes to ensure that those security improvements are being carried out;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the text of the present resolution to all Governments for appropriate action.

Argomenti correlati:
traffico di droga
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