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Economic and Social Council - 28 maggio 1985
Member Name E85r015

28 May 1985

22nd plenary meeting

Improvement of the control of international trade in psychotropic substances listed in Schedules III and IV of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances

The Economic and Social Council,

Having considered the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1984, especially that part concerned with trade in psychotropic substances,

Recognizing with concern that the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances does not require import and export authorizations for international trade in substances listed in Schedules III and IV, thus facilitating the diversion of some of those substances into illicit channels,

Concerned that this lack of a treaty requirement makes it difficult for the competent authorities of both exporting and importing countries to prevent shipments of substances prohibited under article 13 of the Convention,

Bearing in mind that the International Narcotics Control Board needs relevant information in order to monitor effectively the international trade in substances listed in Schedules III and IV,

1. Requests all Governments, to the extent possible, voluntarily to extend the system of import and export authorizations provided for in article 12, paragraph 1, of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances to cover international trade in substances listed in Schedule III;

2. Also requests all Governments to establish, in any event, mechanisms for monitoring exports of substances listed in Schedules III and IV in order that importing countries may be alerted, in advance, of shipments that may be a cause of concern;

3. Further requests all Governments, to the extent possible, to voluntarily furnish information to the International Narcotics Control Board on the countries of origin of imports and the countries of destination of exports of substances listed in Schedules III and IV;

4. Requests all Governments which have decided to prohibit the import of substances listed in Schedules III or IV of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances to notify the Secretary-General of this decision, in accordance with article 13, paragraph 1, of the Convention;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to all Governments for their consideration and implementation.

Argomenti correlati:
commercio internazionale
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