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Economic and Social Council - 29 maggio 1985
Member Name E85r026

29 May 1985

23rd plenary meeting

Interregional consultation on developmental social welfare policies and programmes

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1983/22 of 26 May 1983, concerning the taking of steps to convene an interregional consultation on developmental social welfare policies and programmes, within existing budgetary resources,

Recalling also its resolutions 1979/18 of 9 May 1979 and 1981/20 of 6 May 1981 on the strengthening of developmental social welfare policies and programmes,

Noting that government policy affects the well-being of all citizens and thus requires continuous interaction between its social, economic and other elements,

Aware of the serious consequences of the world-wide economic recession for the welfare of peoples and for the funding and delivery of social services which are even more essential now than in periods of economic growth,

Convinced that there is a need to reassess social welfare policy in the light of past experience and present issues, in order to arrive at effective strategies for the future,

Taking note of the efforts made to relate the concerns expressed in Council resolution 1983/22 to the preparations for the Fourth Conference of African Ministers of Social Affairs, held at Addis Ababa from 18 to 26 March 1985, the Third Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference on Social Welfare and Social Development, to be held at Bangkok from 9 to 15 October 1985, the Pan-Arab Regional Conference on Social Welfare Policies, to be held in September 1985, and looking forward to similar conferences in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General concerning steps taken with a view to convening an interregional consultation on developmental social welfare policies and programmes and the necessity of the active involvement of regional intergovernmental organizations in this effort,

1. Requests the Secretary-General to proceed with the organization of the interregional consultation on developmental social welfare policies and programmes to be held, within existing budgetary resources, at Vienna, at an appropriate policy-making level, in the autumn of 1987 when regional preparations will be completed, and to which all States would be invited, with the objective of appraising present policies and programmes and developing themes and setting goals in the social field for the year 2000, taking into account the Declaration on Social Progress and Development;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to assist in the conduct of regional intergovernmental meetings, which would consider, inter alia, issues relating to the interregional consultation;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to submit, on the basis of consultations with Governments, an annotated draft agenda for the interregional consultation, with documentation to the extent possible, to the Commission for Social Development at its thirtieth session for final comments.

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