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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 25 luglio 1985
Member Name E85r049

25 July 1985

52nd plenary meeting

Water resources development


Progress in the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 34/191 of 18 December 1979, in which the Assembly requested the Committee on Natural Resources, at its regular biennial sessions during the 1980s, to review the progress made by Governments in the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan,

Recalling also Council resolutions 1979/67, 1979/68 and 1979/70 of 3 August 1979, 1981/80 and 1981/81 of 24 July 1981 and 1983/57 of 28 July 1983, concerning the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan,

Recalling further its resolution 1984/73 of 27 July 1984,

1. Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General on the progress achieved and prospects in the implementation by Governments of the Mar del Plata Action Plan, and on education and training in the field of water resources in developing countries;

2. Reaffirms the importance of the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Mar del Plata Action Plan;

3. Expresses once again its concern that, notwithstanding the progress achieved with regard to some aspects of the Mar del Plata Action Plan, far greater efforts need to be made, particularly in the African region in view of the present drought;

4. Urges Governments to intensify their efforts to develop their water resources, to assign high priority thereto, and to formulate or revise, as appropriate, national policies for the development and rational and environmentally sound utilization of water resources, in the context of their overall development plans, and to translate those policies into specific plans and programmes;

5. Also urges Governments to take steps, in the framework of national water plans and policies, to implement the recommendations contained in the Mar del Plata Action Plan concerning the assessment of water resources, for which increased efforts are urgently needed in many parts of the world;

6. Requests the Economic Commission for Africa to undertake a thorough review of the situation with regard to the development of water resources in the drought-stricken countries of the region, with a view to formulating short-term, medium-term and long-term frameworks for action at the national and international levels, and to report thereon to the Committee on Natural Resources at its tenth session;

7. Invites the international conference on hydrology, which is to be convened by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at Geneva in March 1987, to formulate recommendations and develop programmes designed to assist Governments in the acceleration of their efforts to attain the objectives established by the United Nations Water Conference in the area of water resource assessment;

8. Urges Governments to develop public information programmes designed to make planners and decision makers aware of the role of water resources in socio-economic development, and to enhance the participation of the populations concerned in the resolution of major issues related to water;

9. Also urges Governments to continue their efforts to formulate or revise their water legislation, in the context of national social and economic objectives, placing emphasis on the conservation of surface and ground water and the protection of water quality;

10. Calls upon Governments to investigate, formulate and apply measures for the development of irrigated agriculture which incorporate lower-cost solutions and accelerated returns, including the greater involvement of local populations and institutions, phased investments in a complementary mix of small and large schemes and extensive training programmes, and to draw heavily on a transfer of experience on a regional and, where appropriate, interregional scale;

11. Appeals to Governments to strengthen mechanisms for co-ordination among national, regional and local agencies dealing with water resources in order to improve the formulation and implementation of policies and the effective planning, development, management and utilization of water resources;

12. Draws attention to the risk of degradation of water and soil resources as a result of increased intensification of land use for agriculture, and stresses the need for associated conservation measures to ensure sustained production and the protection of natural resources and the environment;

13. Reiterates the importance of carrying out the recommendations contained in the Mar del Plata Action Plan with regard to the assessment of manpower and training needs, and of strengthening, as needed, educational and training programmes and facilities;

14. Takes note of the activities of the organizations of the United Nations system for the development of integrated and comprehensive approaches and programmes concerning education and training, and requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, to continue his efforts in this regard;

15. Requests Governments and the United Nations organizations concerned, other support agencies and non-governmental organizations to intensify their technical and financial co-operation with developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and the drought-stricken countries in Africa, with a view to improving the assessment, development, utilization and management of water resources.


High-level meeting of experts on the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan

The Economic and Social Council,

Mindful of the fact that 1987 represents the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Mar del Plata Action Plan,

Bearing in mind that some specialized agencies will organize technical meetings in 1987 geared to the discussion of water-related issues stemming from the Mar del Plata Action Plan,

1. Takes note with appreciation of the proposal made by the Government of Argentina to sponsor a high-level meeting of experts to propose possible solutions in a number of key problem areas to facilitate the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan, and requests the Secretary-General to provide the necessary assistance in the preparations for and the organization of the meeting, within existing budgetary resources;

2. Invites the regional commissions and the specialized agencies to co-operate with the Secretary-General in preparing for the meeting;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to inform the Committee on Natural Resources at its tenth session of the results of the high-level meeting.

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risorse naturali
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