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Economic and Social Council - 21 maggio 1986
Member Name E86r008

21 May 1986

16th plenary meeting

Strengthening of the control of international trade in secobarbital, a psychotropic substance listed in Schedule III of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling that the International Narcotics Control Board in its report for 1984 recommended - and that the Commission on Narcotic Drugs supported the recommendation - that additional voluntary action should be undertaken by Governments to supplement the impact of the controls which the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances imposes upon substances listed in Schedules III and IV,

Recalling also, in that connection, Economic and Social Council resolution 1985/15 of 28 May 1985,

Noting with deep concern the increasing flow of diverted secobarbital into both industrialized and developing countries,

Recognizing that the present controls over the import and export of secobarbital ought to be made stronger to further prevent its diversion,

Considering that the import and export data on secobarbital currently being provided to the International Narcotics Control Board are incomplete,

1. Urges all Governments to extend the system of import and export authorizations provided for in article 12, paragraph 1, of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances to cover international trade in secobarbital and other Schedule III substances, to the extent consistent with their domestic laws, as previously requested by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 1985/15;

2. Stresses the importance of all Governments voluntarily providing to the International Narcotics Control Board, to the extent possible, complete reports on trade in secobarbital and other Schedule III substances;

3. Requests all importing countries to voluntarily furnish to the International Narcotics Control Board, to the extent possible, estimates of annual medical and scientific needs for secobarbital;

4. Further requests parties to the 1971 Convention to notify all the other parties, through the Secretary-General, as provided for in article 13 of the Convention, if they prohibit the import of one or more substances listed in Schedule III;

5. Invites Governments of exporting countries to consult the International Narcotics Control Board before authorizing shipments of secobarbital and other Schedule III substances, whenever questions arise as to the authenticity of import requests or when the amounts in question appear excessive with respect to the legitimate medical requirements of the countries concerned;

6. Requests the International Narcotics Control Board to provide data, at the thirty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, on the voluntary use of import and export authorizations, and on its success in obtaining national estimates of legitimate medical needs for secobarbital.

Argomenti correlati:
commercio internazionale
traffico di droga
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