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Economic and Social Council - 22 maggio 1986
Member Name E86r016

22 May 1986

18th plenary meeting

United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 40/31 of 29 November 1985, urging international implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, 37/52 of 3 December 1982, by which it adopted the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, 37/53 of 3 December 1982, by which, inter alia, it proclaimed the period 1983-1992 the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, 38/28 of 22 November 1983, in which it recognized the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Year of Disabled Persons as an important instrument for the implementation of the World Programme of Action and the desirability of its continuation throughout the Decade, and 39/26 of 23 November 1984, by which it adopted further specific measures for implementation of the World Programme of Action,

Recalling also Council resolution 1985/35 of 29 May 1985, in which, inter alia, the Secretary-General was requested, in order to facilitate contributions by Governments, to include on an annual basis the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Year of Disabled Persons among the programmes for which funds are pledged at the United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities,

Noting with satisfaction the concrete measures already carried out by the Governments of Member States, the bodies and organizations of the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations to implement the objectives of the World Programme of Action within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons,

Noting with appreciation the steps taken by the United Nations system and by concerned non-governmental organizations to establish a monitoring procedure and prepare a consolidated questionnaire to monitor the implementation of the World Programme of Action,

Noting with concern that, in spite of a number of contributions made by Governments between 1981 and 1985 and constant appeals by the General Assembly and other United Nations organs to contribute to financing activities for the disabled, progress towards the improvement of the situation of the disabled in the developing countries has been slow,

Noting with serious concern the alarming situation of disabled persons in developing countries and the critical economic situation in a number of countries, in particular in Africa and Latin America and in the least developed countries,

Mindful that, since developing countries are experiencing difficulties in mobilizing resources, international co-operation should be encouraged to assist national efforts in implementing the World Programme of Action and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons,

Having taken note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons,

Expressing its appreciation to Member States and organizations, in particular to the twenty-five States that have donated $1.6 million over the past few years,

Expressing its appreciation of the useful role played by the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Year of Disabled Persons in implementing the World Programme of Action,

1. Urges all bodies and organizations of the United Nations system to take into account the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons in the formulation and implementation of their programmes;

2. Calls upon all bodies and organizations of the United Nations system to take appropriate steps to ensure that, to the extent possible, disabled persons are represented, and that assistance programmes administered by those bodies and organizations take into account the concerns of disabled persons in their overall planning objectives;

3. Reiterates the need to give greater publicity to the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, and calls upon all bodies and organizations of the United Nations system, Member States, national committees and non-governmental organizations to assist in publicizing the Decade by all appropriate means within existing resources;

4. Requests that the activities of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons be incorporated in the plans for other United Nations observances, including the Third United Nations Development Decade, the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade and the International Year of Peace;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to make all appropriate efforts to mobilize international support and action for the Decade.

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