Member Name E86r03319th plenary meeting
23 May 1986
Documentation of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities
The Economic and Social Council
1. Requests the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities henceforth to submit to the Commission on Human Rights, after a thorough examination, the studies and reports prepared by the Special Rapporteurs of the Sub-Commission with a brief written introductory statement by the Special Rapporteur, and to discontinue the practice of requesting Special Rapporteurs to introduce their reports personally to the Commission;
2. Further requests the Sub-Commission to adhere strictly to the guidelines governing the limitation of documents and to ensure that Special Rapporteurs responsible for preparing reports and studies are brief and concise and that their reports and studies, as far as possible, do not exceed thirty-two pages;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit to member States or organizations concerned only those resolutions or decisions of the Commission or the Sub-Commission which require specific responses on their part;
4. Decides that henceforth studies prepared by Special Rapporteurs of the Sub-Commission shall be printed only following an express decision to that effect taken by the Commission and subsequently by the Council, which should have an opportunity to study the relevant financial implications.