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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 22 luglio 1986
Member Name E86r050

22 July 1986

38th plenary meeting

Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination

The Economic and Social Council,

Having considered the report of the Chairmen of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination on the twenty-first series of Joint Meetings of the two Committees,

1. Notes the progress made at the twenty-first series of Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination in establishing a useful and constructive dialogue between the two Committees;

2. Stresses that further improvements are needed for the Joint Meetings to accomplish their objectives;

3. Takes note of the report of the Chairmen of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination on the twenty-first series of Joint Meetings of the two Committees, which includes the conclusions reached by the Chairmen and the views expressed on the preparedness of the United Nations system for emergency situations and its co-ordination aspects and links to longer-term development;

4. Decides, as agreed by the members of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination and the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, that the topic for the twenty-second series of Joint Meetings of the two Committees shall be "Co-ordination of the activities of the United Nations system in human resources development and its contribution to meeting the economic and social objectives of the developing countries".

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