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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 23 luglio 1986
Member Name E86r073

23 July 1986

38th plenary meeting

Development of human resources

The Economic and Social Council,

Reaffirming the crucial role of human resources in the socio-economic development process,

Recalling the importance attached to the development of human resources in the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade,

Recalling also General Assembly resolutions 2083 (XX) of 20 December 1965 on the development and utilization of human resources, 2542 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969, containing the Declaration on Social Progress and Development, and 40/213 of 17 December 1985 on the role of qualified national personnel in the social and economic development of developing countries,

Recalling further Economic and Social Council resolutions 1090 A (XXXIX) of 31 July 1965 and 1274 (XLIII) of 4 August 1967 on the development and utilization of human resources,

Considering that it is for each developing country to decide the possible content of a national programme for the development of human resources,

Welcoming the activities of States which place increased emphasis on co-operation for the development of human resources in the developing countries,

Taking into account the increasing importance of United Nations activities in the development of human resources, as envisaged for future years, and convinced of the need for greater co-ordination of those activities,

Noting with appreciation decision 86/14 of 27 June 1986 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme on the role of the Programme in the development of human resources,

1. Reaffirms the need for an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to all aspects of the development of human resources in the programmes of work of the United Nations and the other organizations of the United Nations system,

2. Requests the Secretary-General, taking into account earlier studies and the discussions to be held at the twenty-second series of Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, to submit a report on human resources development and on the activities of the United Nations system as a whole in this field, with conclusions and recommendations, to the General Assembly at its forty-second session, through the Economic and Social Council, for consideration and appropriate action;

3. Calls upon all organs and organizations of the United Nations system to implement the present resolution and to convey their views on the question to the Secretary-General.

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