Member Name E86r07523 July 1986
38th plenary meeting
Confidence-building in international economic relations
The Economic and Social Council,
Taking into account General Assembly resolutions 38/196 of 20 December 1983, 39/226 of 18 December 1984 and 40/173 of 17 December 1985,
Reiterating its view that there can be no sustained global development unless the deterioration of the economic situation of the developing countries is halted and the multilateral dialogue on key development issues is resumed,
Convinced that strengthening of confidence in international economic relations and protecting those relations from the impact of political tensions is in the interest of all Member States,
1. Takes note with interest of the report of the Secretary-General on confidence-building in international economic relations, prepared on the basis of responses of Governments and United Nations bodies and organizations, and endorses the conclusions contained therein;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the matter under review and to take the necessary action to identify and promote possible economic confidence-building measures in appropriate regional and specialized bodies of the United Nations system.