Member Name e87r00826 May 1987
14th Plenary Meeting
Trends and salient issues in mineral resources
The Economic and Social Council,
Recalling its resolutions 1985/47 on small-scale mining, 1985/48 on mineral resources and 1985/54 on the rationalization of the work of the Committee on Natural Resources, all of 25 July 1985,
Recognizing the effective contribution of the mineral resources sector to the economies of developing countries,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on trends and salient issues in mineral resources,
Also taking note of the section on mineral resources, of the note by the Secretary-General on issues in natural resources and energy for consideration in the preparation of the medium-term plan for the period 1990-1995,
1. Decides that the Committee on Natural Resources, at its eleventh session, shall give priority consideration to mineral resources, subject to the concerns expressed in paragraph 3 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1985/54;
2. Also decides that, within the overall subject of mineral resources, special attention shall be given to small-scale mining, as defined in Council resolution 1985/47;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare a report on small-scale mining prospects in developing countries, as called for in Council resolution 1985/47;
4. Also requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Committee at its eleventh session a report on trends and salient issues in the mineral sector, giving special consideration to cost-saving technologies in the mining industry and prospects for geological exploration in developing countries, with due regard to the development of industrial minerals.