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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 26 maggio 1987
Member Name e87r019

26 May 1987

14th Plenary Meeting

Improvement of the status of women in the United Nations

The Economic and Social Council,

Bearing in mind paragraph 356 of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, in which it was recommended that the United Nations system, inter alia, take all necessary measures to achieve an equitable balance between women and men staff members at the managerial and professional levels in substantive areas, as well as in field posts,

Recalling its resolution 1986/19 of 23 May 1986,

Recognizing that the participation of women within the United Nations system, in particular in the follow-up and co-ordination of the implementation of the Forward-looking Strategies and at policy-making levels, is an essential means of bringing the experience of women to bear on all aspects of the policies and programmes of the organizations that shape global development,

Aware that, as at 30 June 1986, the percentage of women in the United Nations Secretariat in posts subject to geographical distribution at the executive levels of P-5, D-1 and D-2 was 9.7 per cent, 8.7 per cent and 2.3 per cent, respectively,

Concerned that, owing to the ongoing financial crisis of the United Nations, the percentage of women in posts subject to geographical distribution may be notably reduced during 1987 and 1988,

Aware that, in resolution 41/206 D of 11 December 1986, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to increase the number of women in posts subject to geographical distribution with a view to achieving, to the extent possible, an overall participation rate of 30 per cent of the total by 1990, without prejudice to the principle of equitable geographical distribution of posts,

1. Requests all organs of the United Nations system to improve the mechanisms through which vacant posts are announced, with a view to improving the access of women to them;

2. Reiterates its request to all Member States to continue to support the efforts of the United Nations and the specialized agencies to increase the proportion of women in the Professional category and above by, inter alia, nominating more women candidates;

3. Urges the Commission on the Status of Women to review the evolution of the employment of women in the secretariats of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and to monitor the progress achieved.

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