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Economic and Social Council - 26 maggio 1987
Member Name E87r028

26 May 1987

14th plenary meeting

Education and information on drug abuse and illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

The Economic and Social Council,

Noting with great concern the continued massive abuse of narcotic drugs in most parts of the world, and its harmful effect, particularly on youth,

Aware of the urgent need to protect society from the harm caused by abuse of narcotic drugs,

Emphasizing the need to take effective measures to reduce the demand for illicit narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,

Recognizing that in some cases information about narcotic drugs and drug abuse gives a result that is the opposite of the one desired, evoking undesirable curiosity, and leading to young people experimenting with drugs,

1. Calls upon States to make every effort to ensure that preventive educational work in respect of narcotic drugs and drug abuse is carried out by persons with appropriate training and skills, taking into account the particular needs of groups of people of similar age, skills and psychological characteristics who are at particular risk of abuse of drugs;

2. Urges Governments to encourage efforts to ensure that preventive information does not involve elements that evoke curiosity or the desire to experiment with narcotic drugs, such as detailed descriptions of euphoria, but clearly indicates the negative, harmful consequences of drug abuse and emphasizes the positive effects of alternative activities and a life-style free from narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

3. Recommends that Governments ensure that preventive information does not contain details that might facilitate access to illicit drugs, such as detailed descriptions of methods and routes of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, places of origin of illicit production and non-medical uses of narcotic drugs;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to Governments, specialized agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations for their consideration and corresponding action;

5. Requests Governments to inform the Secretary-General of their experience, so that draft special methodological guidelines for a preventive public information programme on the evils of drug abuse may be compiled for consideration and adoption by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

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