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Economic and Social Council - 28 maggio 1987
Member Name E87r047

28 May 1987

17th plenary meeting

National experience in promoting the co-operative movement

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2459 (XXIII) of 20 December 1968, 3273 (XXIX) of 10 December 1974, 31/37 of 30 November 1976, 33/47 of 14 December 1978 and 36/18 of 9 November 1981, and Council resolutions 1983/15 of 26 May 1983 and 1985/22 of 29 May 1985,

Desiring to promote the implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade,

Bearing in mind the importance of the establishment and growth of co-operatives as a democratic instrument for the full economic, social and cultural development of all members of society,

Reaffirming the important role played by co-operatives in the socio-economic development of developing countries,

Recognizing the necessity of training and educational programmes at various levels for the growth, diversification and professionalization of the management of co-operatives,

Convinced that the exchange between countries of national experience relating to the co-operative movement plays an essential role in strengthening co-operatives for the benefit of their members and in overcoming difficulties in the development of various co-operatives,

Noting with satisfaction the offer of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to act as host to a seminar on the role of government in promoting the co-operative movement, to be held in May 1987,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on national experience in promoting the co-operative movement;

2. Invites the regional commissions and specialized agencies concerned to make further efforts to promote the co-operative movement as an effective instrument for the improvement of the well-being of all people;

3. Invites the Secretary-General to include pertinent information and data on the co-operative movement in developing and developed countries in relevant periodic United Nations publications;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare, with particular attention to developing countries, in consultation with Member States, appropriate organizations of the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations, and drawing on the work already in progress elsewhere in the United Nations system, a comprehensive report on national experience in promoting the co-operative movement, paying special attention, inter#alia, to the following aspects:

(a) The participation of peasants, including landless peasants, and nomadic populations in co-operatives;

(b) The role of co-operatives and organizations similar to co-operatives in promoting development in urban areas;

(c) The participation of all people, including women, youth, disabled persons and the aging, in co-operatives;

(d) The role and extent of government support in promoting co-operatives;

(e) Programmes to help co-operatives to adopt new technologies to increase production and marketing in the agricultural, commercial and industrial spheres;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit that report, through the Commission for Social Development and the Economic and Social Council, to the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session for consideration under the item entitled "National experience in achieving far-reaching social and economic changes for the purpose of social progress".

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