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Economic and Social Council - 28 maggio 1987
Member Name E87r050

28 May 1987

17th plenary meeting

Improvement of the work of the Commission for Social Development

The Economic and Social Council,

Conscious of the evolving world social situation and the pressing demands for international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character,

Aware of the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to socio-economic development,

Bearing in mind the principles, objectives, means and methods set forth in the Declaration on Social Progress and Development, based on the Charter of the United Nations and solemnly proclaimed by the General Assembly in resolution 2542 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969,

Recalling its resolutions 10 (II) of 21 June 1946 on the Temporary Social Commission, 830 J (XXXII) of 2 August 1961 on the strengthening of the work of the United Nations in the social field and 1139 (XLI) of 29 July 1966, in which it adopted the present mandate and present designation of the Commission for Social Development,

Taking into account its resolution 1985/36 of 29 May 1985 on the progress of work of the Commission for Social Development,

Noting General Assembly resolution 40/98 of 13 December 1985 on improvement of the role of the United Nations in the field of social development,

Recalling its resolution 1986/14 of 21 May 1986 on improvement of the work of the Commission for Social Development,

Having considered Commission for Social Development resolution 30/2 and measures on improvement of its work contained in the annex thereto,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the improvement of the work of the Commission for Social Development,

Mindful of the role of the Commission for Social Development as the central specialized intergovernmental body concerned with social issues,

Recalling its decision 1987/112 of 6 February 1987, by which it requested all subsidiary bodies of the Council to submit to the Special Commission of the Economic and Social Council on the In-depth Study of the United Nations Intergovernmental Structure and Functions in the Economic and Social Fields their views and proposals on achieving the objectives envisaged in recommendation 8 of the Group of High-level Intergovernmental Experts to Review the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations, endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 41/213 of 19 December 1986,

Conscious of the need to ensure that the frequency and duration of the meetings of the functional commissions of the Council enable them to discharge properly their important functions,

1. Approves the proposals adopted by the Commission for Social Development on the improvement of its work, as contained in the annex to its resolution 30/2;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to arrange for Commission for Social Development resolution 30/2 to be submitted to the Special Commission of the Economic and Social Council;

3. Decides to consider on the basis of the discussion and recommendations of the Commission for Social Development at its thirty-first session the question of membership in the Commission and the frequency and duration of its meetings at its first regular session of 1989, taking into account the conclusions of the Special Commission of the Economic and Social Council.

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