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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 29 luglio 1988
Member Name E88r074

29 July 1988

41st plenary meeting

National entrepreneurship in economic development

The Economic and Social Council,

Reaffirming General Assembly resolution 41/182 of 8 December 1986 on indigenous entrepreneurs in economic development,

Recognizing the responsibility of the international community, in particular that of the developed countries, to promote and endeavour to provide an equitable international economic environment supportive of the development of developing countries,

Bearing in mind that the promotion and development of national entrepreneurship require a dynamic process of capital formation in developing countries, which is related to the availability to those countries of financial and technical resources and broader market opportunities for them,

Convinced that entrepreneurship is an important dimension of economic and social development and that entrepreneurs in the public and private sectors can play an important role in mobilizing resources and promoting economic growth and socio-economic development,

Aware that many countries are actively seeking to encourage, strengthen and improve the effectiveness of national entrepreneurs in expanding and modernizing productive capacities, particularly by increasing productivity and technological capabilities, and in contributing generally to the development process,

Bearing in mind that the development of national entrepreneurship and its positive contribution to the development process should be pursued within the framework of the overall economic and social development strategy of each country in accordance with its economic and social system and specific objectives, needs and conditions,

Recognizing the important role that national entrepreneurs in all countries can play in economic development and technological progress, in the creation of new sources of employment, in the more efficient utilization of human resources and in the acquisition of new technologies,

Recognizing also the important role of Governments in promoting the development of national entrepreneurial activity,

Recognizing further that organs and organizations of the United Nations system are currently undertaking work in this field,

Noting the work of non-governmental organizations that are active in fostering positive entrepreneurial activity in interested developing countries,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to undertake a study of measures to promote the contribution of national entrepreneurs to the economic development of developing countries, taking into account the need for a positive international economic environment and focusing on the following:

(a) The experience of developed and developing countries in establishing legal, technical and financial frameworks conducive to the positive contribution of national entrepreneurs to development;

(b) Programmes to help entrepreneurs achieve increased access to domestic and international finance, in order to enhance capital formation in developing countries;

(c) Technical assistance and financial support provided by interested donor countries for activities to promote entrepreneurial skills in interested developing countries;

(d) The acquisition, diffusion, creation and development of technologies, including new technologies, in national entrepreneurial activities;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to include in the report requested in paragraph 4 of the present resolution a section on international factors affecting the growth and competitiveness of enterprises of developing countries, including the need for broader market opportunities;

4. Requests the Secretary-General, avoiding duplication and within existing resources, to prepare a report on the issues dealt with in the present resolution and to submit it to the General Assembly at its forty-fifth session, through the Economic and Social Council.

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