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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 10 maggio 1989
Member Name E89R001

10 May 1989

8th plenary meeting

Emergency assistance to Democratic Yemen

The Economic and Social Council,

Deeply concerned at the extensive and unprecedented damage and devastation in Democratic Yemen caused by torrential rain and floods in March and April 1989,

Extremely concerned about the destruction of thousands of dwellings and widespread disruption of the country's infrastructure, in particular roads, water supplies, electricity supplies, communication systems, health centres, schools and other public services,

Considering that many thousands of hectares of cultivated land were inundated and hundreds of villages have completely disappeared, leaving tens of thousands of people without shelter or food,

Noting that a detailed assessment of the extent and nature of the damage caused is being prepared by the Government of Democratic Yemen with the assistance of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator,

Noting the efforts made by the Government of Democratic Yemen to provide promptly adequate food and shelter for those affected by the floods and to undertake rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes in response to the devastation caused by the floods,

Considering that Democratic Yemen, as one of the least developed countries, is unable to sustain the mounting burden of providing adequate food and shelter for the large number of people who need them,

Reaffirming the need for the international community to respond fully to requests for emergency humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance for Democratic Yemen,

Noting with appreciation the support provided by various countries and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to emergency relief operations,

1. Expresses its solidarity with the Government and the people of Democratic Yemen in facing the devastation caused by the rain and floods;

2. Expresses its gratitude to the States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that have rendered support and assistance to the Government of Democratic Yemen in its relief and rehabilitation efforts;

3. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for the steps he has taken to co-ordinate and mobilize relief and rehabilitation assistance for Democratic Yemen;

4. Calls upon all States to contribute generously and respond effectively to meet the urgent needs of relief operations, rehabilitation and reconstruction;

5. Requests the Secretary-General, in close co-operation with the Government of Democratic Yemen, to co-ordinate the efforts of the United Nations system to help Democratic Yemen in its emergency, rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes, to mobilize resources for their implementation and to keep the international community informed of the needs of that country;

6. Also requests the Secretary-General to apprise the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session of 1989 of his efforts and to report to the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session on the implementation of the present resolution.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1989/1
disastro ecologico
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