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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 24 maggio 1989
Member Name E89r031

24 May 1989

15th plenary meeting

Women and children in Namibia

The Economic and Social Council,

Welcoming the full implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978) of 29 September 1978, concerning the independence of Namibia,

Recalling its resolution 1988/24 of 26 May 1988, in which it expressed deep concern at the suffering of Namibian women under South African occupation,

Also recalling the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, in particular paragraph 259, which calls for the speedy and effective implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978),

Recognizing that the agreement recently reached on Namibian independence under Security Council resolution 435 (1978) provides a historic opportunity for the Namibian people to realize the right to self-determination following 104 years of colonial domination,

Noting that with the implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978) on 1 April 1989, Namibia faces a crucial transitional period, with an election campaign commencing on 1 July 1989 and the election scheduled from 1 November 1989, and that it is incumbent upon the international community to take immediate action to ensure that the elections render the justice and freedom to which the Namibian people have the right,

Bearing in mind that the repatriation of Namibian refugees from neighbouring States, which is scheduled to take place from 15 May to 30 June 1989, poses special problems that require massive humanitarian assistance,

1. Urges Governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to make resources available to assist in making the repatriation process as smooth as possible and to continue material and financial support to Namibian women and children during the transitional period;

2. Urges all parties to respect the process of implementing Security Council resolution 435 (1978), in order to ensure independence for Namibia;

3. Invites the Commission on the Status of Women to help raise international consciousness of the special circumstances and concerns of Namibian women;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to encourage and give special attention to the full and equal participation of Namibian women, in both registration and voting;

5. Further requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Commission on the Status of Women at its thirty-fourth session a comprehensive report on the implementation and monitoring of the Forward-looking Strategies regarding women and children in Namibia.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1989/31
territori occupati
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