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Economic and Social Council - 24 maggio 1989
Member Name E89r037

24 May 1989

15th plenary meeting

Measures to facilitate the participation of women in development

The Economic and Social Council,

Recognizing that women must have education and training to enter the labour market, take part in it on an equal footing with men, and be able to exercise their rights and participate in political and social life,

Considering that women should be able to enter employment without having to sacrifice their right to equality or their reproductive function, and that they therefore require social support measures, especially child care,

Affirming the importance of women's access to health programmes, including nutrition and family planning, for promoting their advancement and equality,

Affirming that only the advancement of women on an equal basis with men permits the strengthening and revitalization of the family,

Having considered the recommendations of the Expert Group on Social Support Measures for the Advancement of Women, held at Vienna, from 14 to 18 November 1988,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General,

1. Endorses the recommendations of the Expert Group on Social Support Measures for the Advancement of Women;

2. Invites Governments to give high priority to programmes to promote the participation of women in education, assuring them equal access to and the availability of literacy programmes;

3. Urges Governments to endeavour to meet the relevant provisions of the conventions of the International Labour Organisation, especially those relating to equal pay and working conditions, thus ensuring women's awareness of their rights in all sectors of the economy, both formal and informal;

4. Invites Governments to achieve the goal of the World Health Organization of health for all through primary health care, ensuring that these services and related information reach women, and involving women in their design and in decision-making, in co-operation with the World Health Organization and other agencies;

5. Recommends the establishment of programmes of social support for working women, especially comprehensive child-care systems;

6. Invites Governments to design adequate policies to reduce the need for caring for disabled persons by providing them with opportunities to develop their potential and contribute to society and the family, and to pay particular attention to the special needs of women;

7. Recommends that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and other organizations that have mandates in education and training give, in their activities, especially those related to the International Literacy Year, proclaimed by the General Assembly in resolution 42/104 of 7 December 1987, higher priority to women in programmes and campaigns intended to eliminate illiteracy in all countries, especially in developing countries;

8. Recommends that the International Labour Organisation undertake campaigns to disseminate the conventions approved by Governments, especially those in which women's rights as workers are referred to, and promote the role of labour unions and employers in providing social support to working women;

9. Requests the Secretary-General, bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 43/98, paragraph 7, to promote and support the establishment of strong national organizations of disabled persons and, on that basis, provide assistance in the formation of networks of disabled women and reinforce the movement for self-help by these women, making use of the appropriate non-governmental organizations;

10. Urges United Nations bodies, including the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women and the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to continue their efforts to elaborate sufficient and adequate indicators on women in development, especially in terms of education, employment and health, and to improve data collection at all levels so as to enable realistic policy formulation;

11. Calls on Member States and organizations of the United Nations system, within the framework of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, to increase the participation of women in professional and decision-making positions;

12. Recommends that all plans, programmes and activities relating to the family should be considered by the Commission for Social Development and the Commission on the Status of Women in order to ensure harmonious co-ordination and effectiveness in achieving results;

13. Requests the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the present resolution to the Commission on the Status of Women at its thirty-fourth session.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1989/37
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