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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 24 maggio 1990
Member Name E90r007

24 May 1990

13th Plenary Meeting

1990/7. Central American women: equality, development and peace

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1989/35 of 24 March 1989 on women and peace in Central America,

Taking note of the advance in the implementation of the commitments reached by the Presidents of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua at the Esquipulas II summit meeting, and of the joint declarations adopted by those Presidents at Alajuela, Costa Rica, at Costa del Sol, El Salvador and, in particular, at Tela, Honduras,

Convinced of the exceptional importance for the Central American people, in particular for women, of the achievement of peace, reconciliation, development and social justice in the region, as well as the recognition of their economic, social, cultural, political and civil rights,

Considering that the problems connected with the economic, social and political situation of the Central American region severely affect the living conditions and welfare levels of the population in general, in particular of women in poverty and their children,

Considering the importance of the role that Central American women play or should play in the development of the countries of the region, as well as in the peace process and the preservation of national sovereignty,

Considering also that the intensity of the crisis in the region has caused women's associations to postpone their efforts to obtain social equality for Central American women,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 42/231 of 12 May 1988, 43/210 of 20 December 1988 and 44/182 of 19 December 1989 on the Special Plan of Economic Co-operation for Central America,

1. Expresses its satisfaction at the progress made in the implementation of the commitments made in the Esquipulas II agreement and in subsequent agreements;

2. Calls again for the Presidents of the Central American countries to persevere in their joint efforts to reach peace in Central America and to ensure favourable conditions for the full implementation in the region of the objectives of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, and requests the international community to support those efforts;

3. Urges all States to support the peace efforts with full respect for the principles of self-determination and non-intervention;

4. Urges the Central American Governments to intensify their efforts to guarantee education, health, housing and employment to women on equal terms with men;

5. Appeals to the Central American Governments to facilitate and promote the adoption and full implementation of laws on the protection and social promotion of women;

6. Further appeals to the Central American Governments to promote the participation of women in the development of societies based on equality, peace, self-determination and social justice;

7. Recommends to the Secretary-General that the Special Plan on Economic Co-operation for Central America be reinforced with concrete activities supporting the advancement of Central American women;

8. Urges the international community to take into consideration the specific needs and interests of Central American women in the programmes of technical, economic and financial co-operation for the region;

9. Also urges women's organizations, national and international, governmental and non-governmental, to play an active role in the democratization, peace and development processes in Central America.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1990/7
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