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Economic and Social Council - 24 maggio 1990
Member Name E90r031

24 May 1990

13th Plenary Meeting

1990/31. Demand for and supply of opiates for medical and scientific purposes

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolutions 1979/8 of 9 May 1979, 1980/20 of 30 April 1980, 1981/8 of 6 May 1981, 1982/12 of 30 April 1982, 1983/3 of 24 May 1983, 1984/21 of 24 May 1984, 1985/16 of 28 May 1985, 1986/9 of 21 May 1986, 1987/31 of 26 May 1987, 1988/10 of 25 May 1988 and 1989/15 of 22 May 1989,

Emphasizing once again that achieving a balance between the licit supply of opiates and the legitimate demand for opiates for medical and scientific purposes constitutes an important aspect of the international strategy and policy of drug abuse control and that resolving the problem of excess stocks of opiate raw materials is an essential step in that direction,

Noting the fundamental need for international co-operation and solidarity in overcoming the problem of excess stocks, which imposes heavy financial and other burdens on the traditional supplier countries,

Having considered the special report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1989, entitled "Demand for and supply of opiates for medical and scientific needs", and the recommendations contained therein,

1. Urges all Governments to give serious consideration to ways to bring about a rapid improvement in solving the problem of excess stocks of opiate raw materials held by the traditional supplier countries;

2. Commends the International Narcotics Control Board for its special report entitled "Demand for and supply of opiates for medical and scientific needs", in which the Board, inter alia, highlighted the impediments to the availability of opiates for medical use, which impediments make it difficult to assess the full licit medical needs for opiates realistically;

3. Requests the International Narcotics Control Board to accord priority to monitoring the implementation of the recommendations contained in the above-mentioned report;

4. Requests the World Health Organization to develop guidelines on the rational use of opiates and on the treatment of conditions for which opiates may be prescribed, with a view to assisting Governments in evolving national policy in this regard;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to all Governments for consideration and implementation.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1990/31
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