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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 26 luglio 1990
Member Name E90r067

26 July 1990

36th Plenary Meeting

1990/67. Operation Lifeline Sudan

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 43/8 of 18 October 1988, 43/52 of 6 December 1988 and 44/12 of 24 October 1989 on assistance to the Sudan,

Noting with deep concern the continuing negative impact of persistent natural disasters and civil strife in the Sudan, which have resulted in the destruction of the socio-economic infrastructure of that country and large numbers of displaced persons, as well as the serious consequences of the most recent drought, namely crop failures and food shortages,

Recognizing that the Sudan continues to require, as a complement to its own efforts, strong and continued international solidarity and humanitarian support to meet the urgent requirements for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction,

Noting that the food and non-food requirements of Operation Lifeline Sudan are spelt out in the emergency appeal of May 1990 of the United Nations Children's Fund, the Operation Lifeline Sudan Phase II Background Appeal Document of the Donor Consultation Meeting of 26 March 1990 and the World Food Programme appeal of 20 March 1990,

Noting with appreciation the report on progress in the second phase of Operation Lifeline Sudan, made before the Third (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee at its lst meeting, on 11 July 1990, by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Emergency and Relief Operations in the Sudan,

1. Expresses its deep gratitude and appreciation to the States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that are providing assistance to the Government and the people of the Sudan in their relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in the context of Operation Lifeline Sudan;

2. Expresses its full appreciation to the Secretary-General and the organizations of the United Nations system for the effective resource mobilization, successful co-ordination and support for Operation Lifeline Sudan;

3. Requests the Secretary-General, in close co-operation with the Government of the Sudan, to continue to co-ordinate the efforts of the United Nations system to help the Sudan in its emergency, rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes, to mobilize resources for the implementation of those programmes and to keep the international community informed of the needs of that country;

4. Calls upon all States to continue to contribute generously to the relief and rehabilitation requirements of displaced persons;

5. Further calls upon all States to respond generously to the appeals for immediate food and non-food relief and rehabilitation support made by the United Nations Children's Fund in May 1990, the Government of the Sudan on 26 March 1990 and the World Food Programme on 20 March 1990;

6. Requests the Secretary-General, in the context of his report on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 44/12, for submission to the General Assembly at its forty-fifth session, to provide information with special reference to the activities mentioned in the report made before the Third (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee at its lst meeting, on 11 July 1990, by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Emergency and Relief Operations in the Sudan.

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