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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 27 luglio 1990
Member Name E90r069

27 July 1990

37th Plenary Meeting

1990/69. Revitalization of the Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 43/174 of 9 December 1988 and 44/103 of 11 December 1989 on the restructuring and revitalization of the United Nations in the economic and social fields,

Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolutions 1988/77 of 29 July 1988 and 1989/114 of 28 July 1989 on the revitalization of the Economic and Social Council,

Recalling futher its decision 1990/205 of 9 February 1990, containing the multi-year work programme of the Council,

Recognizing the relationship between the process of revitalization of the Council and the restructuring of the United Nations intergovernmental machinery and secretariat support in the economic and social sectors, as further spelt out in General Assembly resolution 44/103,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the revitalization of the Economic and Social Council and of the views expressed by Member States on the subject,

Bearing in mind that the Secretary-General will, in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 43/174 and 44/103, paragraph 5, submit a report on the revitalization of the United Nations in the economic and social fields to the General Assembly at its forty-fifth session, in order to facilitate further consideration and appropriate action on the question,

1. Stresses the need for the full and speedy implementation of the provisions of Economic and Social Council resolutions 1988/77 and 1989/114;

2. Decides to review the implementation of the measures agreed upon for the revitalization of the COuncil, pursuant to its responsibilities for promoting international economic and social co-operation and in accordance with the relevant articles of the Charter of the United Nations, at its second regular session of 1992;

3. Invites the President of the Council to undertake informal consultations, open to the participation of all States Members of the United Nations, on all relevant issues pertaining to the review of the implementation of the measures agreed upon for the revitalization of the Council, and to submit an interim report thereon to the Council at its second regular session of 1991.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1990/69
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