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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 27 luglio 1990
Member Name E90r072

27 July 1990

37th Plenary Meeting

1990/72. Future of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling resolution 669 (XXIV) of the Conference of Ministers of the Economic Commission for Africa concerning the future funding of the activities of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning,

Recalling the Special Memorandum of the Governing Council of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning,

Considering the outstanding record of the Institute in the training of African planners and development specialists,

Considering also the continuing and growing need of African Governments for the services of the Institute in the fields of training, research and advisory services,

Considering further the possibility that the United Nations Development Programme may withdraw its financing of the Institute at the end of 1990 and that the Institute is the only regional institute able to provide training and research services to all States members of the Commission in the area of economic development and planning,

Noting with great distress that the persistent and substantial shortfall in the contributions of member States to the Institute will inevitably force its closure in 1990 if no remedial action is taken,

1. Urgently appeals to States members of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning:

(a) To pay immediately to the Institute their contributions for 1990 and their arrears for 1989;

(b) To pay back to the Institute all their remaining arrears according to a schedule to be arranged with the management of the Institute;

(c) To pay their regular annual contribution to the Institute in a timely manner under arrangements to be determined with the management of the Institute;

2. Calls upon the General Assembly, as a matter of urgency, to approve the inclusion of four key posts for the Institute in the United Nations regular budget, namely, the Director, the Chief of Administration and Finance and two senior lecturers, in line with the recommendation contained in Economic and Social Council resolution 1985/62 of 26 July 1985, to enable the Institute to carry out its approved work programme and functions on a continued and sustained basis as stipulated in its Statute;

3. Appeals to the United Nations Development Programme to help the Institute to survive its present financial crisis and, in particular:

(a) To set up quickly the evaluation mission announced in October 1989;

(b) To give its full backing to the short-term training programme and the research and advisory activities of the Institute;

(c) To continue its support for the activities of the Institute in 1990 and beyond;

4. Commends the Governing Council of the Institute on the decisions taken to rationalize the use of resources and urges the management of the Institute to persevere in that endeavour.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1990/72
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