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Archivio ONU
Security Council - 20 maggio 1991
RESOLUTION 693 (1991)


S/RES/693 (1991)

20 May 1991

Adopted by the Security Council at its 2988th meeting on

20 May 1991

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 637 (1989) of 27 July 1989, in which it lent its full support to the Secretary-General for the continuation of his mission of good offices in Central America,

Recalling further the Geneva Agreement of 4 April 1990 and the Caracas Agenda of 21 May 1990 concluded between the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional,

Deeply concerned at the persistence of and the increase in the climate of violence in El Salvador which seriously affects the civilian population, and thus stressing the importance of the full implementation of the San Jose Agreement of 26 July 1990 on human rights between the two parties,

Welcoming the Mexico Agreements of 27 April 1991 between the two parties,

Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General (S/22031, S/22494 and Corr.1 and Add.1),

Commending the Secretary-General and his Personal Representative for their efforts at good offices and expressing its full support for their continuing efforts to facilitate the peaceful settlement to the conflict in El Salvador,

Underlining the great importance which the Council attaches to the exercise of moderation and restraint by both sides to ensure the security of all United Nations-employed personnel as well as to the adoption by them of all other appropriate and necessary measures to facilitate the negotiations leading to the achievement of the objectives set forth in the Geneva and other above-mentioned agreements as soon as possible, including their full cooperation with the Secretary-General and his Personal Representative to this end,

Recognizing the right of the parties to determine their own negotiating process,

Calling upon both parties to pursue the current negotiations urgently and with flexibility, in a concentrated format on the items agreed upon in the Caracas Agenda, in order to teach, as a matter of priority, a political agreement on the armed forces and the accords necessary for the cessation of the armed confrontation, and to achieve as soon as possible thereafter a process which shall lead to the establishment of the necessary guarantees and conditions for reintegrating the members of the FMLN within a framework of full legality, into the civil, institutional and political life of the country,

Expressing its conviction that a peaceful settlement in El Salvador will contribute to a successful outcome in the Central American peace process,

1. Approves the report by the Secretary-General (S/22494 and Corr.1 and Add.1);

2. Decides to establish, under its authority, and based on the Secretary-General's report referred to in paragraph 1, a United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL) to monitor all agreements concluded between the two parties, whose initial mandate in its first phase as an integrated peace-keeping operation, will be to verify the compliance by the parties with the San Jose Agreement, and further decides that the subsequent tasks or phases of ONUSAL shall be subject to approval by the Council;

3. Also decides that the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador shall be established for an initial period of twelve months;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to establish the first phase of the Mission as described in paragraphs 2 and 3 above;

5. Calls upon both parties, as agreed by them, to pursue a continuous process of negotiations in order to reach at the earliest possible date the objectives set forth in the Mexico Agreements and all other objectives contained in the Geneva Agreement, and to this end to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General and his Personal Representative in their efforts;

6. Requests also the Secretary-General to keep the Council fully informed on the implementation of this resolution.

Argomenti correlati:
risoluzione 693
risoluzione 637
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