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Economic and Social Council - 30 maggio 1991
Resolution E91r14

30 May 1991

12th plenary meeting

Preparation for and observance of the International Year of the Family

The Economic and Social Council

Recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 44/82 of 8 December 1989, in which it proclaimed 1994 as International Year of the Family, designated the Commission for Social Development as the preparatory body and the Economic and Social Council as the coordinating body for the Year, and requested the Secretary-General to prepare, on the basis of his report and in consultation with Member States, concerned specialized agencies and interested intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, a draft programme for the preparation for and observance of the Year,

Recalling also its resolution 45/133 of 14 December 1990, in which it invited Governments, specialized agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned, as well as interested national organizations, to exert all possible efforts in the preparation for and observance of the Year, and requested the Secretary-General to finalize a draft programme for the preparation for and observance of the Year and to submit it for consideration by the Commission for Social Development at its session in 1991 and by the General Assembly at its forty-sixth session,

Conscious of the existence of various concepts of the family in different socio-political and cultural systems,

Noting with satisfaction that the unanimous proclamation by the General Assembly of 1994 as International Year of the Family has increased the awareness and highlighted the importance of family issues among Governments, specialized agencies, regional commissions and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as interested national organizations and, consequently, has promoted a better knowledge of the economic, social and demographic processes affecting families and their members and has focused attention on the equal rights and responsibilities of all family members,

Expressing its appreciation to Governments, specialized agencies and the non-governmental organizations concerned for the activities already taken up in support of the objectives of the International Year of the Family, thereby increasing awareness of family issues at local and national levels,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General entitled "Preparation for and observance of the International Year of the Family",

1. Approves for implementation the proposals made by the Secretary-General in his report;

2. Invites all Governments, specialized agencies, regional commissions and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned to step up all possible efforts in the preparation for and observance of the International Year of the Family;

3. Welcomes the establishment by the Secretary-General of the Voluntary Trust Fund for the Preparation for and the Observance of the International Year of the Family;

4. Reaffirms its invitation to all States to take prompt action to establish national mechanisms, such as coordinating committees, to prepare for, observe and follow up the Year, in particular for the purpose of planning, stimulating and harmonizing the activities of the governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations concerned with the preparation for and observance of the Year;

5. Requests the relevant United Nations preparatory and coordinating bodies for the Year to keep preparations for the Year under constant review;

6. Invites Governments to contribute, as far as possible, resources, including staff, to the secretariat of the Year;

7. Invites all Governments, specialized agencies, regional commissions and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned, as well as interested national organizations, to exert all possible efforts in the preparation for and observance of the Year and to cooperate closely with the Secretary-General in achieving the objectives of the Year;

8. Requests that in the planning and executing of programmes and activities for the Year, special attention should be given to socio-economic and cultural conditions in developing countries in the approach to family issues;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to provide effective means of coordination between the secretariat of the Year and the relevant non-governmental organizations in support of the Year;

10. Urges the Secretary-General to provide adequate staff to the secretariat of the Year and to reflect its strengthening in the proposed programme budget for 1992-1993;

11. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Commission for Social Development at its thirty-third session on the state of preparations for the Year;

12. Invites the Commission for Social Development to ensure that all plans, programmes and activities related to the family are in accordance with the concept of equality between women and men as expressed in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and to ensure the incorporation into the programme of the Year of the principles relating to policies aimed at fostering equality between women and men, as outlined in the report of the Secretary-General;

13. Requests the Commission for Social Development to keep the Commission on the Status of Women informed of the preparations for the Year;

14. Decides to consider the question of the International Year of the Family, on the basis of a report of the Secretary-General, at its forty-eighth session under the agenda item entitled "Social development".

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1991/14
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