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Economic and Social Council - 30 maggio 1991
Resolution E91r021

30 May 1991

12th plenary meeting

Disabled women

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, in particular paragraphs 277 to 282 and 296, in which disabled women are considered a vulnerable group,

Recalling also resolution 34/4 of 8 March 1990 of the Commission on the Status of Women,

Reaffirming its support for the 1982 World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons,

Noting with appreciation Commission for Social Development resolution 32/2 of 20 February 1991 on the establishment of an ad hoc open-ended working group to elaborate standard rules on the equalization of opportunities for disabled persons,

Affirming its belief that all women, regardless of their situation, are able to contribute to and benefit from development on an equal basis,

1. Takes note of the recommendations of the Seminar on Disabled Women, held at Vienna from 20 to 24 August 1990;

2. Invites the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat to continue to provide statistical information on women with disabilities;

3. Recommends that the focal points in the United Nations system for the advancement of women and for disability issues cooperate more closely in their efforts to give continuing attention to issues involving women with disabilities, especially at the operational level and in the developing countries, in particular the least developed among them;

4. Invites Governments to follow general recommendation No. 18 on disabled women, adopted by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its tenth session;

5. Requests the ad hoc open-ended working group to elaborate standard rules on the equalization of opportunities for disabled persons, established by the Commission for Social Development in its resolution 32/2, to pay attention to the particular needs of disabled women.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1991/21
diritti delle donne
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