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Economic and Social Council - 21 giugno 1991
Resolution E91r041

21 June 1991

15th plenary meeting

Establishment of regional drug law enforcement countermeasures in the Near and Middle East in the context of socio-economic and cultural development

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling and reaffirming Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolution 3 (XXXIII) of 17 February 1989,

Recognizing drug law enforcement training as being central to the fight against illicit drugs,

Desiring to bring about high-calibre training of drug law enforcement personnel throughout the Near and Middle East,

Emphasizing the urgent need for a regionally focused, comprehensive training plan, based on the requirements, concerns, priorities and prevailing socio-economic and cultural conditions of the region,

Expressing its appreciation to the Secretariat for the development of the United Nations drug law enforcement training manual,

Considering the manual to be a milestone in the field of drug law enforcement and a new international instrument of paramount significance that provides States with a model and a set of guidelines that reflect the best practice, methods and techniques to be pursued,

Considering also that the manual will standardize training at an upgraded level, enhance specialized skills and improve operational performance, achieving overall compatibility and greater cooperative drug law enforcement interaction and counteraction,

1. Requests the Secretary-General to undertake, as a matter of high priority and as soon as possible, the following activities in close cooperation with the Arab Security Studies and Training Centre, the Colombo Plan Bureau, the International Criminal Police Organization and other interested parties, for the benefit of all States in the Near and Middle East, in the context of socio-economic and cultural development:

(a) To disseminate and to promote the widest possible use of the United Nations drug law enforcement training manual at all levels and to intensify training activities based on its content;

(b) To assess training needs, priorities and concerns, in consultation with relevant officials and institutions in the region;

(c) To establish and coordinate a region-wide drug law enforcement training plan and programme and to design and conduct courses to meet the challenge of the ever-changing patterns of illicit traffic in a more effective, cooperative and interactive way;

(d) To conduct research and impact studies on the use of the manual;

(e) To continually update and develop supplementary, specialized drug law enforcement training material;

(f) To establish collaborative subregional training centres for drug law enforcement officials;

2. Invites the Arab Security Studies and Training Centre, the Colombo Plan Bureau, the Customs Co-operation Council, the International Criminal Police Organization and other parties concerned to work jointly with the Secretariat in the implementation of the present resolution.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1991/41
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