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Economic and Social Council - 26 luglio 1991
Resolution E91r062

26 July 1991

31st plenary meeting

Assistance to Yemen

The Economic and Social Council,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on assistance for the reconstruction and development of Yemen,

Noting that, in his report, the Secretary-General emphasized that the continuous assistance and support of the international community to the Government of Yemen remained essential and imperative and that the General Assembly, in its resolution 45/193 of 21 December 1990, had called upon States and governmental and international non-governmental organizations to extend their assistance in support of the national efforts to improve the economic and social infrastructure of Yemen,

Taking into consideration previous resolutions of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and international organizations and specialized agencies in this regard, in particular those adopted since the unification of Yemen, which is one of the least developed countries, and with a view to enabling Yemen to shoulder the burdens placed upon it as a result of unification and recent events and to implement its development plans and programmes,

1. Urges the international community to continue to respond to United Nations resolutions concerning assistance to Yemen in order to enable it to formulate and implement short- and long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes and shoulder the burdens placed upon it by recent events, which have prevented Yemen from continuing to formulate and implement its economic and social plans;

2. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his endeavours and requests him to continue to coordinate the activities of United Nations organizations with a view to assisting Yemen in the mobilization of its resources, the implementation of its reconstruction and development programmes and the reintegration of its socio-economic institutions and structures, and to report thereon to the Council at its regular session of 1992.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1991/62
aiuti umanitari
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