Resolution E91r07026 July 1991
32nd plenary meeting
The need to harmonize and improve United Nations informatics systems for optimal utilization and accessibility by all States
The Economic and Social Council,
Noting the vital importance of informatics in promoting and accelerating development,
Considering it imperative that States Members of the United Nations and observers have easy, economical, uncomplicated and unhindered access to the growing computerized databases and information systems and services of the United Nations,
Regretting that Member States lack such access to existing United Nations informatics systems at present,
Stressing the need for representatives of all States to be actively associated with United Nations bodies, such as the International Computing Centre, dealing with informatics within the United Nations system,
Bearing in mind the ongoing discussions on the reform of the General Assembly,
Requests the Secretary-General to prepare, within existing resources and in consultation with representatives of States, a study analysing the causes of the present situation with respect to United Nations informatics systems and providing an outline of a rapid solution to the problem, leading to easy, economical, uncomplicated and unhindered access to United Nations computerized databases and information systems and services, which are of great importance to all States, in particular to the developing countries, and to report thereon to the Council at its regular session of 1992.