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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 26 luglio 1991
Resolution E91r089

26 July 1991

32nd plenary meeting

New techniques, including remote sensing, for identifying, exploring for and assessing natural resources

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, and the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade,

Recalling also General Assembly resolution 41/65 of 3 December 1986 on principles relating to remote sensing of the Earth from outer space,

Recalling further its resolutions 1987/9 of 26 May 1987 and 1989/8 of 22 May 1989,

Bearing in mind the important role of remote-sensing data in the process of identifying, exploring for and assessing natural resources,

Recognizing the need for developing countries to have access to the information obtained by remote sensing in order to optimize the use of their natural resources,

Stressing the contribution that developed countries can make in assisting the developing countries to integrate satellite remote-sensing data into their national mapping programmes,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on information referral systems on satellite remote-sensing data;

2. Calls upon the developed countries to share more of their technical capacity in remote sensing with the developing countries;

3. Recommends that the Department of Technical Cooperation for Development of the Secretariat, in cooperation with appropriate organizations of the United Nations system and with the assistance of satellite launching States and organizations, to compile, for dissemination to developing countries, information on new data sets and the conditions under which such data can be obtained and the modalities for doing so;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to strengthen the capability of the developing countries in the application of remote-sensing techniques for the identification and subsequent exploration, exploitation and development of natural resources through workshops, seminars and training courses to be organized at the regional or country level in developing countries;

5. Also requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Committee on Natural Resources at its thirteenth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1991/89
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