S/RES/760 (1992)
18 June 1992
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3086th meeting, on 18 June 1992
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 752 (1992) of 15 May 1992, 757 (1992) of 30 May 1992 and 758 (1992) of 8 June 1992, and in particular paragraph 7 of resolution 752 (1992), in which it emphasized the urgent need for humanitarian assistance and fully supported the current efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to all the victims of the conflict,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
Decides that the prohibitions in paragraph 4 (c) of resolution 757 (1992) concerning the sale or supply to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) of commodities or products, other than medical supplies and foodstuffs, and the prohibition against financial transactions related thereto, contained in resolution 757 (1992) shall not apply, with the approval of the Committee established by resolution 724 (1991) under the simplified and accelerated "no objection" procedure, to commodities and products for essential humanitarian need.