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Economic and Social Council - 30 luglio 1992
Resolution E92r031

30 July 1992

41st plenary meeting

Second phase of the Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification of the International Fund for Agricultural Development

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1989/88 of 26 July 1989, in which it stressed the urgent need for substantial progress in stimulating food production in developing countries, and its resolution 1991/95 of 26 July 1991 on the second phase of the Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification of the International Fund for Agricultural Development,

Recalling also General Assembly resolution 45/207 of 21 December 1990, in which the Assembly urged the international community to support the efforts of developing countries by increasing even more the flow of resources, including concessional flows for agricultural development,

Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 46/151 of 18 December 1991, in which the Assembly adopted the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s,

Recalling resolution CM/Res.1416 (LVI) on the second phase of IFAD's Special Programme for Africa, adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity at its fifty-sixth ordinary session and endorsed by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity, held at Dakar in July 1992,

Noting with satisfaction the effective implementation of the first phase of the Special Programme, including the mobilization of the target level of $300 million,

Recalling also resolution 67/XIV of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development on the establishment of a second phase of the Special Programme and its decision, inter alia, to take note of the appeal made by the African members that every effort should be made to reach a target of $300 million for the second phase of the Special Programme and to appeal to all members in a position to do so to contribute generously, on a voluntary basis, to the Special Resources for Sub-Saharan Africa for the second phase of the Special Programme of three years, bearing in mind the level of resources mobilized for the first phase and its successful implementation,

Noting the progress made on the preparatory activities for the launching of the second phase of the Special Programme, including the development of a pipeline of projects in an advanced stage of preparation,

Expressing its deep appreciation for the contributions pledged by a number of industrialized and developing Member States to the second phase of the Special Programme,

1. Appeals to the international community to contribute generously, on a voluntary basis, to the Second Phase of the Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification of the International Fund for Agricultural Development;

2. Appeals also to those donors that have generously made firm pledges for the second phase of the Special Programme to deposit their instruments of contribution so as to permit the second phase of the Special Programme to become effective as soon as possible, in 1992.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1992/31
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