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Economic and Social Council - 30 luglio 1992
Resolution E92r034

30 July 1992

41st plenary meeting

Activities of transnational corporations in South Africa

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1991/54 of 26 July 1991,

Taking note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General on the role of transnational corporations in South Africa,

Recalling the Declaration on Apartheid and its Destructive Consequences in Southern Africa, adopted by the General Assembly at its sixteenth special session, which contains guidelines on how to end apartheid through genuine negotiations,

Welcoming the recent developments in South Africa, including the repeal or amendment of the major apartheid laws, the formation of the Patriotic United Front, the ongoing process of negotiations, inter alia, under the auspices of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa, and the outcome of the whites-only referendum of 17 March 1992,

Gravely concerned about the escalation of politically inspired violence in South Africa despite the signing of the National Peace Accord on 14 September 1991,

Reiterating the urgent need for the removal of the remaining obstacles to the creation of an atmosphere conducive to constitutional negotiations,

Mindful of its obligations towards the complete eradication of apartheid, reaffirmed in General Assembly resolutions 44/244 of 17 September 1990, 45/176 A of 19 December 1990 and 46/79 A of 13 December 1991,

1. Welcomes the recent positive political developments in South Africa, which enhance the possibilities for the total eradication of apartheid in South Africa;

2. Reaffirms that Governments, entrepreneurs and enterprises, including transnational corporations, have contributed to the demise of the apartheid system, and invites them to give their full and concerted support to this end, as well as to take appropriate measures regarding the vulnerable and critical process now under way in South Africa, with a view to achieving the total eradication of the apartheid system and the establishment of a united non-racial and democratic South Africa;

3. Requests the Secretary-General:

(a) In close cooperation with the relevant organs of the United Nations, to continue the work of collecting and disseminating information on the activities of transnational corporations in South Africa, including the list of transnational corporations conducting operations there;

(b) To continue preparing studies on the level, form and responsibilites of operation of transnational corporations in South Africa, including their non-equity business arrangements and their involvement in particular sectors of the South African economy;

(c) To continue examining possible contributions of transnational corporations to the construction of a united and non-racial democratic South Africa in the economic and social fields, taking into account the special need for development in the areas of human resources, particularly the training of black South African entrepreneurs, employment, housing and health;

(d) To report to the Commission on Transnational Corporations at its nineteenth session, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly on the implementation of the present resolution.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1992/34
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