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Economic and Social Council - 31 luglio 1992
Resolution E92r062

31 July 1992

42nd Plenary Meeting

Establishment of new subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council,

Reaffirming General Assembly resolution 46/235 of 13 April 1992,

Reaffirming also its decision 1992/218 of 30 April 1992,

Taking note of the note by the Secretary-General on the proposed consolidated mandates of the new subsidiary bodies of the Council,

Bearing in mind that these new subsidiary bodies will contribute to the efforts of the international community towards sustainable development,

1. Reaffirms the mandates of the new subsidiary bodies, namely, the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, the Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Development, as set forth in the relevant resolutions of the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, including General Assembly resolution 46/235;

2. Approves the draft provisional agendas and programmes of work for the first sessions of the new subsidiary bodies, as contained in the note by the Secretary-General;

3. Requests those bodies to make recommendations, at their first sessions, about their future work programmes, taking into account their respective mandates and the follow-up of the relevant provisions of Agenda 21 as may be approved by the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session;

4. Invites the General Assembly, in accordance with paragraph 9 of the annex to its resolution 46/235, to consider, at its forty-seventh session, any relevant institutional changes and recommendations made by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development at its eighth session and by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development regarding, in particular, the Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Development.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1992/62
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