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Archivio ONU
Security Council - 26 agosto 1992
RESOLUTION 774 (1992)


S/RES/774 (1992)

26 August 1992

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3109th meeting,on 26 August 1992

The Security Council,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 21 August 1992 on his mission of good offices in Cyprus (S/24472),

Reaffirming all its previlus resolutions on Cyprus,

Noting that some progress has been achieved, in particular the acceptance by both sides of the right of return and the right to property, and in a narrowing of the gap by both sides on territorial adjustments,

Expressing concern nevertheless that it has not yet been possible, for reasons explained in the report, to achieve the goals set out in resolution 750 (1992),

1. Endorses the report of the Secretary-General and commends him for his efforts;

2. Reaffirms its position that a Cyprus settlement must be based on a State of Cyprus with a single sovereignty and international personality and a single citizenship, with its independence and territorial integrity safeguarded, and comprising two politically equal communities as defined in paragraph 11 of the Secretary-General's report of 3 April 1992 (S/23780) in a bi-communal and bi-zonal federation, and that such a settlement must exclude union in whole or in part with any other country or any form of partition or secession;

3. Endorses the Set of Ideas including suggested territorial adjustments reflected in the map contained in the annex to the Secretary-General's report as the basis for reaching an overall framework agreement;

4. Agrees with the Secretary-General that the Set of Ideas as an integrated whole has not been sufficiently developed to enable the two sides to reach an overall agreement;

5. Calls on the parties to manifest the necessary political will and to address in a positive manner the observations of the Secretary-General for resolving the issues covered in his report;

6. Urges the parties, when they resume their face-to-face talks with the Secretary-General on 26 October 1992, to pursue uninterrupted negotiations at United Nations Headquarters until an overall framework agreement is reached on the basis of the entire Set of Ideas;

7. Reaffirms its position that the Secretary-General convene, following the satisfactory conclusion of the face-to-face talks, a high-level international meeting chaired by him to conclude an overall framework agreement, in which the two communities and Greece and Turkey would participate;

8. Requests all concerned to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General and his representatives in preparing the ground prior to the resumption of the direct talks in October to facilitate the speedy completion of the work;

9. Expresses the expectation that an overall framework agreement will be concluded in 1992 and that 1993 will be the transitional period during which the measures set out in the annex to the Set of Ideas will be implemented;

10. Reaffirms that, in line with previous resolutions of the Security Council, the present status quo is not acceptable, and, should an agreement not emerge from the talks that will reconvene in October, calls on the Secretary-General to identify the reasons for the failure and to recommend to the Council alternative courses of action to resolve the Cyprus problem;

11. Request the Secretary-General to submit, prior to the end of 1992, a full report on the talks that will resume in October.

Argomenti correlati:
risoluzione 774
integrita' territoriale
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