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Economic and Social Council - 2 febbraio 1993

2 February 1993

2nd plenary meeting

Frequency of sessions of the Technical Committee of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling resolution 158/(XIV) of 5 April 1987 of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on holding the sessions of the Commission on a biennial basis,

Recalling also that in that resolution the Commission requested its Executive Secretary to prepare, in those years in which no session of the Commission was held, a detailed report on the activities, plans and programmes of the Commission for submission to the Economic and Social Council,

Persuaded of the desirability of annual consultations among States members of the Commission on issues of concern,

Convinced that such consultations can be achieved through meetings of the Technical Committee in years in which no session of the Commission is held,

Bearing in mind the administrative, financial and programme planning rules and regulations of the United Nations,

Decides that sessions of the Technical Committee shall be held in years in which no Commission session is held, starting with a three-day meeting in 1993, on the understanding that such meetings will be financed within existing budgetary resources.

Argomenti correlati:
economic and social council
risoluzione 1993/1
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