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Security Council - 31 maggio 1994
RESOLUTION 923 (1994)

S/RES/923 (1994)

31 May 1994

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3385th meeting, on 31 May 1994

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992 and all subsequent relevant resolutions,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 24 May 1994 (S/1994/614),

Reaffirming the commitment of the international community to assisting the Somali people to attain political

reconciliation and reconstruction,

Emphasizing in this context that the people of Somalia bear the ultimate responsibility for achieving national reconciliation and for rebuilding their country,

Stressing the importance the Council attaches to the Somali parties working seriously to achieve peace and national reconciliation in their country and to their fulfilling in good faith all obligations and agreements to which they commit themselves,

Welcoming the Declaration of the Leaders of the Somali Political Organizations signed in Nairobi, Kenya, on 24 March 1994 (S/1994/614, annex I), which, inter alia, committed the Somali parties to restore peace throughout Somalia, to set up rules and procedures of voting and criteria of participation in the national reconciliation conference, to convene a national reconciliation conference to elect a President, Vice-Presidents, and to appoint a Prime Minister,

to complete and review the formation of local authorities, and to establish an independent judiciary,

Welcoming also the Lower Juba regional conference,

Concerned none the less at the delays in the reconciliation process, and at the deterioration in the security situation,

Condemning the continuing incidents of fighting and banditry and, in particular, violence and armed attacks against persons engaged in humanitarian and peace-keeping efforts,

Paying tribute to those troops and humanitarian personnel of several countries who have been killed or injured while serving in Somalia,

Re-emphasizing the importance the Council attaches to the safety and security of United Nations and other personnel

engaged in humanitarian relief and peace-keeping throughout Somalia,

Paying tribute to the humanitarian work being undertaken by United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations in difficult conditions to assist the people of Somalia,

Taking note that all Somali leaders have appealed to UNOSOM II to continue supporting their reconciliation and rehabilitation efforts,

Reaffirming the objective that UNOSOM II complete its

mission by March 1995,

Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to threaten peace and security and having regard to the exceptional circumstances, including in particular the absence of a government in Somalia, and acting under Chapter VII of

the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/1994/614);

2. Decides to renew the mandate of UNOSOM II for an

additional period expiring on 30 September 1994, subject to a review by the Council no later than 29 July 1994 based on a report by the Secretary-General on the humanitarian mission carried out by UNOSOM and on the political and security situation in Somalia and progress made in achieving national reconciliation, in the light of which report and review the Security Council may request the Secretary-General to prepare options regarding UNOSOM's mandate and future operations;

3. Commends the Secretary-General, his Acting Special Representative and the personnel of UNOSOM II for their

efforts towards improving the conditions of the Somali people and in encouraging the process of political reconciliation, rehabilitation and reconstruction;

4. Strongly urges all parties in Somalia to cooperate fully with UNOSOM II, to carry out the commitments and implement the agreements which they have signed including those relating to the voluntary disarmament, and to pursue without further delay the negotiations aimed at achieving national reconciliation;

5. Demands that all parties in Somalia refrain from any acts of intimidation or violence against personnel engaged in humanitarian or peace-keeping work in the country;

6. Reaffirms the obligations of States to implement fully the embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Somalia imposed by paragraph 5 of resolution 733 (1992);

7. Further welcomes the progress made by UNOSOM II in

establishing the justice and police programmes and calls for their acceleration;

8. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have contributed troops or provided logistical or other assistance to UNOSOM II or have offered to do so, and

underlines, in this context, the continuing importance of UNOSOM II having at its disposal the necessary troops, civilian personnel, equipment and financial and logistic support to carry out its mandate effectively;

9. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States

which have extended humanitarian assistance or have supported the Somali justice and police programmes and encourages further such contributions on an urgent basis;

10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Argomenti correlati:
unosom ii
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